P-A-S-S-I-O-N and Confidence And Publication Part 5 of 11
We looked at the darker side of passion yesterday and now, we’ll look at the lighter side of passion the one that created such memorable works, the driving need to create and perfect. I know of a few authors who can write with more skill but I would say none writes with more passion these days than Stephen King.
I respect how he writes and what he puts into writing. I love the fact that he has kept on writing and is still passionate about the subject he writes about. Not only that but he has also faced his own demons and yet, has come out better for it.
I doubt we would be as thrilled to read his books if there wasn’t that passion that he put into writing and publishing them. And he was going to throw it all away, literally according to his book, On Writing, his first novel got about 50 pages in, and then went into the wastebasket. In fact he admits that he felt that Carrie would have no potential as a published book. Thankfully his wife saw potential and encouraged him to continue, he did and with gusto.
Some of my most favorite non-fiction authors, such as Roy Jenkins and Greg King, write with such passion it is hard, if not impossible to put the book down. Both write biography historical, and that makes it all the more interesting. I’m writing one so they are both great reads as they help me with my writing.
It is easier to remember that passion comes form confidence knowing what you know, and knowing that you can write to readers and know they enjoy the read.
The best thing about passion : I couldn’t put it down. The worst thing about passion: I couldn’t get into it.
Ah, the two edged sword. It is hard to write when you know both can happen in a manuscript, form poems to books.
My Question For today is this: Where is your passion taking you?
Dear Diary. A Bit on Journaling.
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Rebecca, I hope that you all going to compile all of these blog posts into a great book for writers some day. I always look forward to reading your blog.
Passion is not being able to put a book down even though you are exhausted. This happened to me the other night and now I have a burgeoning cough. You know the feeling– It’s 3AM, and you just can’t put the book down—you have to know what happens next! But you know you’re acting crazy, so you go to bed and think about it. Tossing and turning.
It happened to me last week, the first time in a LONG time.
Damaria Senne
Positive passion has been the driving force behind my writing, long before I even acknowledged that I needed it. It's what helped me do well in other projects and fail dismally when it's absent.
Passion is that thing that makes you jump out of bed at well past midnight in search of paper and a writing implement in order to record this idea in your head. I hope (as all writers hope, I believe) that my passion is taking me down the road to great literary success!