P-A-S-S-I-O-N and Confidence And Publication Part 7 of 11
Passion. Passion. Passion. Passion.
It can get a bit boring after a while. It can drive one mad, and if not held in check can do so. So what can be added to the mix to prevent this madness? Easy, John brought up one thing in the comments in part one. Persistence.
I must admit the idea of being both persistent and passionate is a new and novel idea for me. The more I thought about it the more I liked it. It was unique fun. Writers after all are persistent creatures, we edit to get the book perfect, and then edit our query letters and our book proposals, and our basic marketing plans, and then go to the publishers with as much passion as we can give.
In essence it takes a lot of persistence.
It works for all aspects of writing from first draft to publishing. I read a lot of books, as you all know, but what you might not know is that I also read books on how to write better, or faster or whatever. I have two that I’ve recently used once again for my editing, and writing. One will most likely help me with my future publishing endeavors, the other has a few gems to look at. Something about it worries me though, and not in a good way.
Noah Lukeman’s the first five pages. This is a strong and powerful book and a must for any writer. The next one, about writing a first draft in 30 days. It is the second one that worries me, since I actually read it cover to cover. Hm, it is interesting to say the least, some good ideas but also some ideas that worry me. Yes, write the draft in 30 days, but do not, ever, never never, never, suggest that it is in publishable form by that point. She does.
Okay passion like that will only get you so far, but she also mentions she wrote other books. There in lies the real point, they’ve become somewhat established. I commend her for suggesting we can all be great authors, but passion like this is a double edged sword.
She might be able to write and be published, with a few mistakes, or whatever, editors of established writes might be more forgiving. I doubt they would be for my own writing. I need confidence and persistence, and focus, not some passionate certainty that a first draft is publishable.
Frankly, not matter how deep the outline is and detailed it is, it is still first draft, and editing is as vital as anything, and marketing plans are still required. Period. You need passionate confidence begin a book, confidence to publish it and persistence to market and sell it. Never forget one other aspect confident passion to edit the work.
Not that this is hard work all the time. it seems hard that is all. It simply takes a bit of persistence. A lot of pens and a couple of good honest books.
My Question for you today is this: What is your biggest thing about persistence and authors who suggest to short circuit the writing process?
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Damaria Senne
I think authors need to be persistent and to keep writing, even when the story is not going well. Or when they are tired. Or when they are stuck and the words don't sem to be there. even more persistent when they have a pub, lishable product to find an agent who believes in the work, and a publishable who's willing to invest in it.
About a first draft being publishable – depends on how experienced you are as a writer, even when you're using a template/formula, so to speak.Personally I don't imagine my first draft would be good enough.
B.J. Anderson
Persistence is the only way to go! Well, to a certain point, I suppose. You don't want to be like that Elizabeth person harassing all the agents.
And I suppose first drafts could make it, but I wouldn't be comfortable with throwing a first draft out there. Eek! Great post!
My biggest thing about persistence is that it's a great way to live because it pays off.
My thing about authors who short circuit the process is that they rarely have anything of real value to contribute. Our world's full of people who always want to get rich quick, find a formula to make things in life come easy, etc.; it just never works.
Ann Victor
I've also read Noah Lukeman's The First Five Pages (full review in the archives of my blog)and agree it's an excellent book.
As to having a book ready in 30 days. Hmmm. A bit optimistic I think. As a prefectionist I agree that one could have a workable first draft out in 30 days, but it would still need work. But then I am a very slow writer.
One point I'd like to add about passion. Just because so much of writing requires a slow, patient persistance, one mustn't ignore the power of the slow burning flame (of passion), which can be as effective as a raging fire.
Ann Victor
Oops! I'm obviously not a prefectionist early in the morning! That should be "perfectionist"!
Also, Damaria made a good point: *personally" I couldn't see my first draft being ready in 30 days, but perhaps it can be done by published, more experienced writers.
30days I don't think I can!