Taking Action in Writing
Inertia: is the resistance of any physical object to any change in its state of motion, including changes to its speed and direction. It is the tendency of objects to keep moving in a straight line at constant velocity. There…
Writing Great Content, Your Brand, and Passion
Content: 1) Write. Simple and effective, and often not done as much as people would like to admit to. Write a post on your blog, then post it. Write a few pages of a novel or a non-fiction book, but…
Take A Step Back To Improve Your Blog
The art of improvement. With all the self-helps books out there you would think there would be a ‘magic’ button to fix all the blogging woes you might have. Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. For a writing blog which you…
On Understanding Negativity
While I do agree with many people that it is important to be positive in life I also choose to embrace the negative moments in my life. I just don’t embrace them, I feel them, I let them in, I…
The Intuitive Process of Writing
Are you an intuitive writer? For a writer, there is a cycle to writing and publishing books, it begins when he starts to write a book, edit it, have it beta read, re-edit, and begin the submission process- with the…
Wolf Winter, Cecilia Ekback
The winter of our discontent. The scene is Sweden’s interior wilderness: forests, lakes, marshes, and mountains. A smattering of families, referred to as settlers, living in wooden cabins occupy this territory alongside the native Sami, referred to as Lapps in…
Tech Review: Android Lollipop
Jellybeans make a wonderful, colorful snack; a wonderful operating system they do not. I have been writing and griping about Jellybean for a long time now and it seems the rest of the world is finally catching up. The buggy…
Power of Being Positive
There is no doubt in my mind that trying to think positively is a powerful experience- if you test a limit each day. Take a look at life, if you have a mindset that something, anything will go wrong- it…