Do You Have the Money to Self-Publish?

It is disheartening to see any good author fail. It is discouraging to read that many authors don’t make their money back if they self-publish through most of the vanity presses. When I write about money I also include time and effort.

With these numbers in mind, if you were to think about writing based on an hourly wage, then you’d need to earn anywhere from $895 to $990 per month to simply pay for writing you book for however long it takes (9.95X3X30= 895.50 for the lower range and 11.00X3X30= 990 for the higher range) This is, again assuming you spend three solid hours a day working on your book in some format- the numbers will be higher or lower depending on how much you do each day.

I used CreateSpace and First Editing (an online editing service) for some number comparisons, with CreateSpace the quote is $160 for simple copyedits (one round) but I assume most writers will take two or more, and with this in mind I made sure it was at $500.
A simple copyedit consists of spelling and grammar, whereas a more content editing is exactly what is it is: plot, spelling, grammar, flow cutting and resetting structure. There is more at higher price ranges but, the motto “you get what you pay for” holds true. Follow you dreams of publishing, but also have a plan to write.

However, you may need help and most will cost a couple of hundred dollars to do this service at its most basic level. You can even publish an e-book for free, using Smashwords or Kindle Direct Publishing, although many do decide to have someone create that for them for a small fee, usually anywhere between $30 to $70.
Do you have money to self-publish a book? For the most part if you don’t factor in time, most people will say that yes, they do have the money to go with the self-publishing route. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go and self-publish but it does mean that you have to plan ahead a bit more than simply “paying back” the other more visible fees that come up when publishing a book.
The most successful self-publishers have savings and a plan before they start writing their books. Money is a factor writers must consider but so is their time, and that is worth every penny.
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