Who Is Your Real Competition In The Writing World?
I’ve talked about markets and Amazon and publishing before. I’ve also talked about targeting your market correctly. The underlining question is: who is your real competition?
For many independent authors, the answer is, on the surface, only one person: me. Except this sort of thinking has its disadvantages, as almost anyone who has spent time on social networking sites can attest to. I can say that there are hundreds of people who have the listing “bestselling author” on their twitter profile. Some, yes it’s true, but for some it’s subjective.

After a while, I also realized that Maxwell was being very smart, he talked about leadership in the business sense, but going to his website was an eye opener, he understood his competition very well, and it wasn’t where I expected. I would say that coaching a person is more self-help, and it was when I realized that his main competition was in the self-help section- from Steven R. Covey to Robin Sharma.

are found in the Self-help section of my local bookstore. They all write about improving ourselves, but one has the advantage of finding two distinct audiences, and I am certain this is done with care and thought.

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