What Is Best For You As A Writer– Thoughts on Writng And Self-Publishing
The idea that a writer has a life outside of writing raises a big question these days. For some, the answer is that when they are writing they don’t have a “life outside of writing.” Others argue that they do have a life, and that there needs to be balance in that life.
This is especially true if you self-publish your work. The more you work, the more you have to put into transforming it into a great format and then you have to promote that beautifully formated book with some care. This also takes time away from what you will feel is your passion — writing.
Think about the time when people most will ask an honest question: what is best for me? (as a writer, a friend, a family member, a breadwinner) Truly, balance is key because you need to build relationships to see success in all areas of your life.
You can be a good writer and a good self-publisher, and you can have success. I have learned a lot about self-publishing, and I believe I will continue to learn more. (This also means I can learn to promote my book better — by the way, it’s published on Amazon!)
What is best for you as a writer?
That is really your choice, and it is something that you need to think about. Self-publishing is a choice and so is writing another book.
Even when you are writing a blog, you can still have loads of time to write other things! Just do what is best for you as a writer.

No Internet-- Loads of Time To Write
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When it comes to self-publishing I think the author needs to offer a quality product. Their standard needs to be as high or higher than the top publishing houses.
Too many don't set standards and it in shows in their work. Dragging the rest of indies down.
I have been published via traditional pub and via indie… either way, it takes a LOT of work to promote your book. I did just as much promo (in terms of hours) when I was with the traditional as I do with indie, although the TYPE of promo is different (more social media as an indie).
Damaria Senne
i want to have more of a life "outsde of writing" as you put it. More time to think about stories and research them; more time to promote my books. I believe these tasks are just as important as writing, because as a publisher, I have to develop a market for my books. If the books don't sell, then it creates stress in my life as I am fulltime writer and my writing needs to pay the bills.