Writing for Money? Writing for Publishing?

You are normal. Wanting to be compensated for you work with money and writing with the goal of being published is normal- if you said you were writing because you want some good wishes, you aren’t seeing yourself as a professional writer. If you have a desire to continue your writing you will need to think of all aspects of the business you are in.
Writing for money is a good thing, and focusing on improving your writing from where you were helps you as a writer. Money will come to the writer who is willing to make sacrifices in their lives. Sacrifices do not mean taking much needed time away from commitments you have said you will do, rather how you balance your time and what you choose to sacrifice is important.
Writers start somewhere.
Writers choose to sacrifice extras to publish, but they also choose to work on several pieces of the puzzle at once to make it better.
Writers understand that everything is important. The true writer knows to balance money and time.
Blogging is a piece of writing, some 500 words a day on a blog. It can be used as a temporary platform to make your writing grow. To build you up and to motivate you to write smarter.
In the end, it is all up to you to choose. Writing for money should not fall short of writing for excellence.

When Publishing Becomes Too Hard
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One Comment
Marlena Cassidy
I was accused by my college writing club that writing romances was selling out – writing for profit instead of prestige. My argument was that romances were my passion and what I liked writing.
If you can capitalize on your talent and your passion then I say go for it! But if you don't like what you're writing, or you feel as though you're not doing your best, then you need to take a step back and look at the big picture and reevaluate what you're doing and where you're going.