Writing is Harder Without a Plan For Money and Living
It is often something that writers tend to forget, and that is a plan. We like to write, and this much is not a bad thing, but a plan is needed. A plan is something which will make a writing life that much easier, as opposed to making it more complex, similar to an outline.
The plan I am thinking does not even mean a business plan but rather, a plan for how much you will need to write and earn to make a living from writing. (This means Money!) This can be as detailed as you like but it is something that needs to be written.
So below, is the list of things that need to be written into this plan:
1) How much are you planning to make: Let me put it to you this way, you can make some money.. or you can plan to earn money in a logical manner. Publishing is a goal, and to do this you need to have a sense of how long, and of course how much it will take.
2) How many hours you have to write: Now, this is hard, but writing means writing on what will either make money now or eventually make you money. This does not include the time on the computer not writing.
3) List of things to do: or a list of priorities, which means whatever you might have that seems to be harder to push aside, plan for them, these are not surprises, so a plan is vital.
4) family and “others:” Family first and then writing and then friends and others who add fun, but subtract time to your writing.
5) You!: You the writer, the friend, multitasker, the family person, the breadwinner, for whatever you are in your life, including writing have a plan.
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