When Titles Matter. People Read.
I recently talked about writing and publishing and titles.
The theme I was talking about was that “titles matter” of course I wasn’t referring to online works, but to titles in books. Some titles live on long after we forget the authors who wrote it. I simply had to mention a few titles, and asked who wrote them, and some people had more trouble with who wrote it than with the titles. ( An example was Old Man and the Sea… who wrote it, no one knew, but when I mentioned Ernest Hemingway and what he wrote, well you get the idea!)
Often we don’t think about how much titles matter on the Internet, but if we want an online presence, we need the title to attract people (our readers) and to keep people coming back. It is funny that some will write a title, and then wonder where people went to.
I didn’t think that this was important until some asked me about increasing traffic. Now it was based on hubpages, but the point of the matter was that titles are important. When I figured that out, and my old grey matter came to a conclusion about it, I began to write better.
Fine, okay then, my writing improved some what! ( We all know my editing isn’t the best) Still my efforts to improve my titles, to make them matter has encouraged people to read.

Publishing.. of all the Dumb Things!
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One Comment
At first I didn't think much of what you said, but then I found yes, you are right, We think of title first.