Publishing and Publicity and Other Writing Insanities Rant
Yes people there is a difference between publishing and publicity! I love emails I really do but still let’s be honest, I showed an email to a fellow writing friend which won’t be published ( since it wasn’t a query letter!) that goes against my grain of thought. I don’t come cheap at least to this person I don’t. Apparently hubpages is great for publicity, but that has its down sides as well.
It would be nice if they would have come to this blog, and looked they would have got some answers. Publishing is one thing, writing is another, and publicity is something else again. Still, I wonder why people don’t understand the basic idea of publicity.
it is to publicize their writing and their published book. Ghostwriting is one thing, but to improve your writing is another… yes publishing is a lovely thing, but I think it’s 1000% better if you are the promoter and writer of a book.
Publicity to me, is the promotion of a book, where we put our love of our book to good use. It also helps to have a great publicist.
So, after this rant what makes you want to publicize your book?
Publishing Nonfiction and Goals
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