Write What You Know… and Fix What You Don’t
I have written an article about the city and events in Las Vegas. It is set a bit into the future, but it is about to be published. I am quite pleased with it. It was simple to write and it…
I need Help!
I still need everyone to help out here! =) The aritcle is Money and Writing, love to see the support from you all, anyone can go and vote, just click on the article. Read. Vote. Promote. HubNuggets 09/09/2009
Is Writing Non-Fiction Boring? Part 3 of 15
So take a dash of fiction, add about a million hours of research, a few drafts, some good sense, and what do you get? Creative non-fiction. Now before you go and leave let me explain. As Carrie in her comment…
Is Writing Non-Fiction Boring? Part 2 of 15
Does writing non fiction have its challenges? well of course, one of the biggies is writing to an audience who may or may not know more than you do. In fiction it is a bit easier to write, because a…
Is Writing Non-Fiction Boring? Part 1 of 15
As everyone knows I write both in the fiction stream and the non-fiction stream. As the Inkers can attest to, my non-fiction is taking up a lot of my time, as deadlines must be met. But still I was thinking,…
Dragon House: A Review
John Shors has graciously allowed me to review his book. The book came out to the public on September 1st. You can buy it in any online book store. I have read his other book, Beneath a Marble Sky and…
P-A-S-S-I-O-N and Confidence And Publication Part 11 of 11
Why do you need confidence when you write is there something you need to worry about? If you are wondering why people say it doesn’t seem to move them, can it be because your writing is not passionate enough? You…
P-A-S-S-I-O-N and Confidence And Publication Part 10 of 11
Can passion cause you to say this very thing? “I hate my writing, It sounds horrible!” Yes, it can because we are people who sometimes come up with wonderful and fantastic ideas, get it down and then find that the…