
How Do I Live a Life of Writing?

I think that there are three things that mark my living a life as a writer. They are all important and interconnected. I think that it is the interconnection between them that makes them all important. I know I’m missing other parts, but I am happy to see where my development is going.

I write in a journal, I write and draw words in a book. This is a part of my creative side. It needs to be used every day, in fact I feel something is missing if I do not journal each day. I know better than to suggest any type of journal for anyone. It depends on your needs and personality. What I can tell you is mine is an artist book with blank pages. It gives me an opportunity to “think” outside the lines.

I write on paper. Before I go to the computer to work on a book, any book, I write longhand on a sheet of paper. It really doesn’t matter if it’s blank computer paper or lined. I simply write. Then I reread what I’ve written before using the computer keyboard for my next step. I think that it must make my brain more receptive to editing. I need a lot of editing, as my editor can often tell you.

I speak as I write. Sounds a bit different, but allow me to explain. As I write, I speak aloud the words I am writing. These days it helps me to focus on what the readers is reading. I speak as I type and then I read the part over again. It works because it slows my thought process down and makes me think as a reader would. In many ways, this helps me edit before printing out the entire part of a book, or manuscript, that needs editing.

This is the start of living a life as a write. I think of how to better relate to myself and to the reader who reads what I write. I am aware of more things to make my life easier as a writer, but I know that I am off to a good beginning.

I found that these three components are the foundation for future benefits to my writing.

One Comment

  • Elle Scott

    I loved your post. I was especially glad to know that I’m not the only one who ‘speaks when she writes’! Sometimes I feel silly doing it, but I really think that if a book sounds good to the ear, it will read well, too.