The Creative Journey of A Writer
Writers are on a journey.
I know that writing is a journey that is best done alone, but I can’t help but feel that I need to connect to people to continue my creativity. The art of being a writer means you have to take the time to reflect on where you can go and how you can grow on the journey.

There is a sense of adventure, and a sense of fun in the art of writing. I get to create something that wasn’t there before. I am excited, and am feeling this mix of creativity I’ve never had a chance to feel before, where when I write I’m not afraid to take some sorts of chances, writing a book or a blog doesn’t make me feel nervous any more. That being said I’ve learned that colouring and other things like painting has helped my growth as a writer too. It’s all about being creative in more ways than one.
Writing is about being creative, but it’s also about expanding your business view.
Writing is about enjoying the journey, but it’s also about being willing to know when the journey for something ends.
It’s about becoming a creative writer.
It’s painting a picture but with words, and this is very exciting to me. It’s only because I know there is a long journey to where I can be as a writer. Painting and journalling seem to come naturally as well. Cutting out pictures from magazines also is something I’ve taken to recently. A vision board if you will.
Writing has its own challenges and its own rewards. The reward is becoming a better writer. In a sense, becoming a better writer means becoming a more rounded person. Most writers don’t change deep down in their soul, they have a reason to write, and they love the art of writing- at least in that regard. They simply add to their creative journey as a writer. The point is not to pull back from challenges but rather see your writing as the only way you have to becoming more of a person who shows their business sense and their creative side in the process of being focused on being a passionate and powerful writer.

Living a life of writing is partly about making money– we have to pay our way somehow, but the really reason to write is to become more creative as a writer. Some of the best writers have brilliant ideas, and they never gave up on their art. They know that their art will be the making of them. There are challenges, but becoming more creative as a writer is a big goal. The big goal though is when you sit down and look at what will will take to become a better more powerful writer, and the passion you have for what you do will increase.
I’m a bit of an optimist when it it comes to writing I know. But I love it, I’ve be what many would consider a writer for a long time. I’ve taken time and energy to become more creative, and have even taken writing classes. The difference now is that I am seeing myself as more creative, and that I am on a journey to being a better, and bigger writer.
It’s about sharing, and I’ve found other outlets for my writing which has made it much better for me as a writer. I’ve learned that this blog is another creative outlet in my life, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it is in a writers life in general. That’s what living a life of writing is about, being more creative in the life you want to lead.
The creative journey of a writer begins when you sit down and write. It can be with a pen and paper or on the computer. It means focusing on the art, and building something great for your readers, and adding the colour they need.
The journey means understanding your own heart and just writing. The journey is not going to always be easy, but it will change you as a writer- for the better.

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November 28, 2010
I read this after I read your great blog post on being an LGBT writer, so it's a hopeful post. Were you out at this point?
Rebecca A Emrich
not to the extent I am now, but many people knew of this fact at this point.
Jessica Donegan
I don't think writing is a solitary pursuit at all! Most processes require alone time where you come up with an idea and flesh out the thought into a full work on your own. The editing process, the feedback, and the networking all take many hands to make work.
Writing with any intention to publish and be seen, is a team sport. We can't create and market anything meaningful in isolation.
Some writers create in teams from the very start. Most tv shows and movies have a writers room, where group collaboration is core to make shows interesting to a large group from the get go.
So connecting with others to keep creativity flowing isn't as unusual as you might think. I agree, it can be a powerful too to get inspiration from another or to spark it for someone else.