
To Write For Money?

When writers write there is a sort of divide between two groups, one who loves to write, it is a passion for them and ones who find writing enjoyable, but to them the more important aspect is the art of making money faster with it.

Now, this is not to suggest that not making money is a good thing, rather if you want to make a career out of writing, then you will need to plan long term.

The question one should ask is this ” If I write solely for the purpose of money is this a good thing?”

For many writers, the simplest answer is no it is not a good thing, and as a writer, I am inclined to agree with the assessment that writing only for money is not a good thing, in fact it can be a bad thing not only to you but to your potential readers since, readers are smart and they can figure out if you are writing simply to make money or writing for passion.  Even if you write for passion there is the small voice in a writers head which says a bit of money is nice as well.  But that does take time and energy.

Most often there is a bit of both, writing for passion and writing for money, but a good writer tends to write for passion as opposed to the will of Google!

So, what doe to write for money mean in a good sense?

It means adding being a passionate writer and being willing to work hard, and make money in a positive manner, that will allow you to explore and improve on your writing a lot sooner than otherwise.