Writing a Book or Publishing a Book Is There a Difference?
It seems that writing a book is one thing – anyone can start to write a book – but when you ask this same person if they have published a book…. the answer might be very different. Perhaps they have…
Amazon.ca– In Search Of The Lost Ones– Thanks To You!
I normally think it is awesome to see some numbers, especially from Amazon. Today I wanted to share a bit of success about In Search of the Lost Ones. Please bear in mind that the numbers will have changed since…
How to Improve Your Writing: Editors
Most writers admit to this one thing without any worry. They have no problem with telling people who helped them with their writing. Most writers work with an editor. Having a truly good editor this is another great way to…
If You Want to Write: Thoughts on a Writer’s Life
Are you very excited about writing? Not that anyone here would suggest that people are not, but I’d like to present the question for people who are just beginning the writing process. I will not suggest to you to ever…
Why You Should Self-Publish
We writers are funny creatures. I am not against self-publishing. In fact I believe that for many books, self-publishing is a great idea. I say this with one caveat: editors are a must. I think we writers like to think…
Publish a Book or an E-book?
I was reading several books, mostly about writing and publishing, and one in particular struck me as being very wise. Most of you should read Aiming At Amazon when you get the chance. For me, there was one point in…
Writing Away– Writing Online
So what do you do when you can’t write online? I hope you don’t get all upset or look for excuses not to write. I read that a fellow blogger has this problem when she’s writing in a different place…
When You Have to Be Living a Life of Writing
The biggest mistake made when people begin the journey of writing is this: They assume that all one has to do is write, and then publish and then the royalties come in; ss in money, as in they can quit…