Does Making Money, Success, and Publishing a Book Happen Together?
Publishing a book is easy. If you have written a book, and sent it off to literary agents and edited it, the process of publishing is possibly the easiest part of your book. It is out of your hands…
Publishing an E-book on Kindle Direct Publishing
While anyone can write about the importance of publishing a book, there is another growing area that many writers overlook until after they publish a book. This is the e-book- an entirely different format that most writer aren’t used to.…
The Cost of Publishing a Book
There is no such thing as free. There is always something that you have to do or not do to pay for the free item. I don’t believe that most writers about how much time they spend doing something that…
Three Important Points On Publishing a Book I Have Learned
I know that I need to make some changes to my next book, and I believe that my editor agrees with me on that front. I’ve learned a lot of things by even publishing a book where the sales are…
Publishing a Stronger Book
It’s an adventure when you decide you want to publish your book. I can understand that there is a lot of emotion going through you when you finally decide that after all the months of editing and re-writing, you will…
Is Goodreads Good For You?
I love reading books, and I also find enjoyment in writing them. I have noticed that over the last year or so there is a website where both writers and authors can meet and review each others books. I think…
Guest Blogger: Damaria Senne
Thanks for the post Damaria! This is great information for any writer, and it’s great to hear others who have self-published and published a book say what life is like– after publication! The Juggling Act: Researching, writing, editing, publishing and…
Self-Publishing a Book Anyone?
It seems interesting to me that people seem to want to publish their writing, but then they will discount many of the methods one can use to publish it. If your writing is great, and it has a great editor…