Writing A Book With Passion
Ever had a day when you just want to find out more about what makes you passionate? Have you ever thought of a time when writing was a part of your life but not the whole thing? For some people…
Should I Care About Self-Publishing Companies?
I’ve not quite got a final draft together for my book, but at this point, there is a good chance with the type of people who will read my book I should consider some self-publishing companies. One of the companies…
Terrible, Horrible, No Good Writing and Other Editorial Musings
I am reminded of Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day when it comes to my personal editing. I am ‘blind’ when dealing with my writing, I will find some mistakes but all. I need my editor, and…
A Writer’s Mind is Always ‘Write’
Writing is supposed to be ‘easy.’ Writing is supposed to be ‘fast.’ The people who say these things are not writers by any means or they are not patient about the art and process of writing a book. After…
Why You Need To Care About The Interior of A Book
It is not easy to write a book, it’s your legacy to your readers, however small they may number. In fact, it can be one of the hardest things to do in the life of a writer, planning not only…
Am I A Professional Blogger or Writer?
I am at the moment a growing writer and blogger. I’ve some a long way in a month, and there is still time to develop my skills in writing and marketing of both my blog and my books. The reality…
Why Do Writers Blog
A book will take you only so far, and in this day and age, a blog will take you a bit farther if you have the time and energy to do so, or the fabled time management under your belt.…
I Am Writing a Nonfiction Book
We talked about how to start writing a book in the last post, but once you’ve begun it’s vital to make sure others know what you are writing. Some people have questioned the choice of titles of some books, like…