Why I Stopped Writing
New Year and new goals, and back to the same old grind. You can’t be the hero or a new person, but you can be yourself, because it’s only one day. Why I stopped writing- for a time. This might…
Are You A Joy Filled Writer?
The last few months have been hard on me. Not only as a writer, but as a person. One can argue that change is a good thing, but when it comes to hating the very things you loved, you have…
How Much Money Can You Make Writing?
I’ve asked before how much money can you make publishing a book, and I’m going to revisit this idea in this post. Writers want to make money, and that is the law of the land, or so it seems. The…
The Power of Influence
Influence is a wonderful thing. The more you have the better your chances of success. Influence is how a blog or a person makes others work with them or against them. There are two sorts of influence out there positive…
The Power of the Leader.
I’ve seen a lot of pictures with the difference between a leader and a boss. Boss, Leader, Builder? Almost everyone talks about wanting to become a leader or to lead like ‘this guy’ or ‘this lady.’ They aren’t wrong,…
What Is the Cost to Self-Publish on Amazon
Time to add it up The last years have not been kind the self-publishing industry. There are more self-publishers, but this has created a new set of problems for authors. To get the income they want, they have to be…
Tech Review: Solid State Drives. Are They Worth the Extra Money?
Solid State Drives (SSD’s) contain no moving parts, therefore the time it takes to read and or write data is slashed significantly, compared to a typical Hard Disk Drive (HDD’s) that contains heads, an actuator, and a spindle motor. Are Solid State Drives…
Why I Work with The Amazon Affiliate Program
get your reading glasses out, it’s time to read Is the Amazon Affiliate Program some thing a writer should want? If you are a writer who is serious about earning a bit more income, and a person who has a…