When Writing Think Small?! What are you NUTS?!? Part 2 of 9
Ready for a short walk? Grab your pen and paper, we’re going bird-spotting. We’re looking for a kiwi, so we’ll need to board a plane and while we’re sitting flying we can write a bit about our adventures. So what…
When Writing Think Small?! What are you NUTS?!? Part 1 of 9
Okay folks today I need to you to pack you bags and come with me on a journey. What we’ll need is backpacks, binoculars, hiking boots, water, tins of food, air packs, oh and never forget the ice picks and…
Self-Publishing? Is It A Great Divide? Part 12 of 12
Welcome to everyone who is new and who come here regularly. Great to have you all here. Finale to this series. it’s been great, and some really and truly good comments, thanks to all. I’ll in my own humble way…
Self-Publishing? Is It A Great Divide? Part 11 of 12
Welcome to everyone, and to all who are new, and who comment regularly. It’s great fun having you here. I’ll sort of start this post a bit different and ask this: You’re self-published and you want to publish this title…
Self-Publishing? Is It a Great Divide? Part 10 of 12
Welcome to all who are new, and come here regularly. Great to have you here. Editing, Marketing, Publishing, Writing… do they really have anything in common? Or do we just think they do? Does the same go in a self-published…
Self-Publishing? Is It A Great Divide? Part 9 of 12
Welcome to all who are new, and a big thanks to all who come here regularly. Before you go and try to comment with a rather nasty tone, please be advised I’m only trying to get a really strong point…
Self-Publishing? Is It A Great Divide? Part 6 of 12
Mid-way already? Welcome to all who are new, and those who are regular contributors, great to have you here. Enjoy, this as there will be some new great series coming soon. I hope you’re enjoying this series, and of course,…
Self-Publishing? Is It A Great Divide? Part 3 of 12
Welcome to all who are new, feel free to jump in. Comments here are always great they add to this blog so much, so thanks for your comments. Ah, the joys of writing and publishing.They both are great and both…