Writing and Creative Writing… and Publishing Goals
I figured I’d throw this one out. If you had to write and write well, where would you go to do it? Or better yet, you wanted to get your creative writing juices flowing where would you go? (The answer…
Writing and Publishing: A View on Improving
This is something I have never really thought about: self-publishing my own book. Not that I wanted to have my book wildly popular but rather I am trying to find out what self-publishing has to offer. I am not sure…
Living a Life of Writing: Publishing, Authors and Self-Publishing
Publishing comes in many forms, and most people will only look at one or two of them. They will have hopefully looked at all the other option before making the decision to go one route or another, in general it’s…
How to Deal With Comments on Your Writing
Advice #5: Don’t take all comments people make to heart. Some simply want to tell people off and some don’t have the heart to tell you what they really think. Good or bad, comments are something you will as a…
Writing and Visions of Books
It’s hard to have a vision when you are just starting and you don’t know what you want in your writing. The vision of a tower of your books Writing a book simply means that you will need to take time…
Advice on Writing
Another way of writing- a feather pen Advice given to me by a fellow writer: Follow the Rules but make changes. If you do make changes, change yourself first. Which, to me, means you can write a good piece but…
Writers Write
So what is the best thing for a writer to do? The simple answer is: write. Of course the better answer is write and then publish your work and then make it better the next time you write another book. …
A Writer’s Problem: Editing Your Own Books
Some people will suggest that you should edit your own books When you are close to something, your book is a great example, and it means so much to you it is best that you back away from it in…