Publish a Book or an E-book?
I was reading several books, mostly about writing and publishing, and one in particular struck me as being very wise. Most of you should read Aiming At Amazon when you get the chance. For me, there was one point in…
Should You Use Promotional Tools – Before and After Your Publish a Book?
We’ve all heard of them. If you are a published author you’ve definitely heard of them – the dreaded “promotional tools”. There are a wide range of them available, and I had to think hard about which ones I should…
Promote Your Book or Write Another?
Which is better? I think we want to see success in all our writing, and the question becomes: What should we do? Should we write another book that will build on the last book, or promote the book that we have…
In Search of The Lost Ones: Publishing a Full Year Work
Wow what a year it has been! Yes, I finally published my first book, and looking back, it was a full year of work. I went through several edits — and editors — until I found the right path to follow. …
Writing Away– Writing Online
So what do you do when you can’t write online? I hope you don’t get all upset or look for excuses not to write. I read that a fellow blogger has this problem when she’s writing in a different place…
Which Type of Format Works Best? The E-book or Book?
This is something that most people can have a lovely discussion about: you’ve published your book, and now you have to make a few choices. Some of them are easy – and getting a book published does have its easy…
Why Publishing Isn’t As Hard as You Think: It’s The Marketing
So you’ve published that book? Great. I think you’ve done a great job, but now it’s on to the second one, after all, you’ve told people until you are blue in the face that you have a book out. So…
Do You Write? Or Do You Plan on Writing?
I know… it’s hard. It’s the whole New Year’s thing… The work when everyone else is ready to play or has time off from their day jobs thing. They want to have fun, and they might even think you are…