The Attainability of Success Part 1: Happiness
When it comes to feeling successful and measuring our own success, a little outside input from others who judge our success is inevitable. But how much can we weigh in on this feeling? For me, I find that the first…
Publishing a Book and My Dreams of Success
To publish a book has been a dream of mine for so long, and to have that dream within arm’s reach is still such an unbelievable feeling. Dreams of success can be measured in different ways. It all depends on…
Does Making Money, Success, and Publishing a Book Happen Together?
Publishing a book is easy. If you have written a book, and sent it off to literary agents and edited it, the process of publishing is possibly the easiest part of your book. It is out of your hands…
Success (or something like it)
There are a lot of theories out there discussing how to define and achieve success, but I would like to propose a simpler approach. How we achieve success as writers is ultimately dependent on how we choose to…
Publishing a Book and My Fears
I am publishing a book, and I am scared. The things that scare me the most are what my readers’ thoughts and opinions are: •What did they think as they read my book? •Were they able to feel a connection…
Why I Publish With CreateSpace
There are many ‘self-publishing companies’ out there and there are many choices that a writer has to make when they plan on self-publishing a book. Some writers want to do the whole process of writing and editing and publishing…
Writing and Making Goals For 2013
As the year comes to an end, I have decided that I would like to start writing a book. You might be wondering what kind of book I plan on writing and at the moment, I couldn’t tell you. Just…
Writers, and Double Lives
Written books are like little miracles, and out of these small, flat, rigid squares of paper unfolds world after world. Without words, without writing and without books there would be no history and nothing to read. A book can show us…