There’s a Reason To Read “Can’t Buy Me Love” and Other Stories
I know two great authors on Twitter. I might spend a bit more time than I should there, but this particular social medium is great for one thing: getting to know your fellow writers. Two such writers are Dan McNeil…
Does Inspired Writing, Equal Inspired Publishing?
Just because you find something or someone inspiring does not mean that you will become a better writer or anything. You are just inspired by them. Hold on to that thought for a moment, and think about that statement. When…
Jump Up, Bounce Around and Get Outta That Rut!
Ruts are nasty beasts. We call them many things: writer’s block, disillusionment, burn out, needing a mental break. Whatever we want to call it, it’s still a rut, a dark place no one wants to be in, but each of…
Order in the Blog
Respect in Writing is Paramount It seems everywhere you look on “news” stands and tv, there is some crazy controversy happening every three seconds. Many of us love to intrude (barring all negative…
Did A Writer Inspire You? Time To Prove They Did
I have many people to thank for my writing inspiration. I suppose it’s just like at the awards show where you spend your time listening to others thanking people for their help. These stars were inspired by others. Now, go…
Calling On Writers, Tell Us Who You Love And Who Have Helped You
This will be a short post, but it is one which we need your help so much on. This coming month we will be blogging about writers who influence us, the ones who made an impact on us and on…
If You Think You Have It BAD, Think Again.
That evil dreaded rut is hard on writers. It’s that time when you call it writers’ block or when you can’t seem to decide what to do with some extra bit of draft that you can’t seem to let go…
Do You Have a Publishing a Book Dis-ease?
You have one chance and one chance alone to impress a person with your writing and, what is more important, to earn money on your published book. For most writers this sounds like a challenge — in a good way.…