Can You Publish and Then Sell One Million Books?
I was asked this question, and it seemed to light a fire in me. And since I have talked about being specific and making sure you have goals, I set one for myself and my co-authors. The question: Can you…
Let the Publishing Challenge Begin Monday
On Monday, we will be making an announcement that will be dealing with Living a Life of Writing. This will be a very large, long term event, and we will be telling you more on a new page on Living a…
Why Writers Need To Know How To Market Their Own Books
It is all about selling a book, and this leads to a lot of writers simply assuming that they do not have to continue to market a book after it has been published. Marketing is a long-term process and one…
Be Specific When You Talk About Money and Writing
I wonder about the issue of money. I think that most writers want to have a successful writing career and sell some books. In fact many writers mention money as a “thing,” a byproduct of their writing. Writers are very general…
Write This Book
I think the hardest part about being a writer is getting back to writing, especially if you have just published a book. I am thinking of joining a writing class. A creative writing course will improve not only my writing but my focus. I…
Do These Go Hand in Hand?: Making Money and Writing
The question seems to always come up, when you have published anything, a blog or a online article or even a book (or three) people inevitably ask, do you make money? Well in sense, yes I make money with my…
Traffic, Your Blogs and You
Recently I have had friendly debates with more than a few people about the nature of blogs. Many people look to blogs as a means for making money — and there is nothing wrong with that — but I hear…
Can I Make Money Self-Publishing My Book?
Most writers want to publish their books and want to make money with their books. After all, it is not like you want to do all of that work and then have a book that does not sell well, or…