Calling On Writers, Tell Us Who You Love And Who Have Helped You
This will be a short post, but it is one which we need your help so much on. This coming month we will be blogging about writers who influence us, the ones who made an impact on us and on how we became better writers in the process.
It’s time for you to let us know who these people are. They don’t have to be famous, they don’t have to be dead, but they have to have influenced you in some way.
To make it easy, here’s a great example: I personally wouldn’t be writing again if it wasn’t for two people: Jill Edmonson, whose writing and Sasha Jackson novels have made my year, you’ll want to start with Blood and Groom (Sasha Jackson Mysteries Book 1)
and another person is none other than my partner in writing Jordan. They have both given sound advice, and Jordan has helped in suggesting writers such as Taylor Fulks and her book My Prison Without Bars: The Journey of a Damaged Woman to Someplace Normal
Without him, I am sure I would have given up as a writer.
Part of being a writer is to find encouragement in the most unlikely places. These two wonderful writers have proven this time and again to me. I also love reading many authors, and a couple of them have influenced my writing as well, but they have also shown me what I can do to improve. (One of those would be Terry Brooks, but even though I’ve never had the privilege of meeting him, his influence still counts.) Mentoring a writer is important, as is networking, but writing should be something you build over time and with others. All writers are valued, so let us know who you value.
The point is that some times writers whom we love are there for us and want us to see success. Writers are very much valued by other writers, and here’s a great chance to mention them. So, this coming month, with your help we can showcase some great writing, and, more importantly, great writers out there.
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Carol Ann Ross, author of the Day of Hairawn Muhly has been a friend and mentor to me. She has guided me from the beginning of my journey. Her encouragement has been invaluable.
James Hurst wrote the short story, The Scarlett Ibis. That story has stayed with me for 30 years. There is something about it that grabs at my heart and doesn't let go.
Marjorie Deluca, author of The Forever Ones, gave me a chance to review her novel. She has since shared links to both my novel and blog, promoted my book trailer, etc. It's not often you come across someone who lives the Golden Rule.
In High School, I've discovered Emile Zola. His way of seeing life and describing the people of his century, with simple and harsh words, were amazing. He was a famous french writer as well as a great journalist. He made an impact on my life and my choice of carreer.
Tolkien, Franck Herbert, Judith Tarr or Robert Jordan, well known SF or Fantasy authors, have opened my mind to think huge when creating a new world and strange characters.
The first time, I entered an American library, I lost my voice. So many new authors to discover… Many people encourage me to try romance novelists.
Nora Roberts, Iris Johansen and Sandra Brown taught me that I like romantic suspense and that I need to work on improving the feelings of my characters to be able to lure the reader into bonding with them.
And all the new generation of indie authors, the ones I'm in touch with via my blog, taught me to fight for my dream, drink a lot of coffee and never give up!
Rebecca E.
There we go, some great names! Keep them coming, I promise a few will be listed in the series.
Nicole Pyles
I have had so many inspirations over the years. It's hard to name names! First, my mom has been a very challenging reader for my stories. She pushes me to improve my work and produce my best. Also, one of my blogging peeps, Carrie, has given me great feedback on stories (it's hard for me to trust people in general, so to trust someone with my stories is a wonderful thing!). Also, Alice Hoffman – if I could adopt and absorb the novels from any author, it would be her.