You Mean I Have To Publish to Earn Money?
A lot of writers are looking for ways to make money publishing their work.
There are ups and downs in all writing, but with both time and focus you will find that writing online on any site and doing it well will help you with a writing goal, such as publishing a book. All it takes is a bit of practice, a commitment to improve both as a writer and in your relationships with your readers and team members. The trouble with writing is there is a view it’s just about you- but it isn’t about you at all.

You need to keep writing content people will love to read and that you can promote, again without losing your professional reputation or loyal readers. Editing is needed for older blog posts because over time people will find your older published works and will judge you by it, without knowing you’ve had more time to mature as a writer and a person- a date on the page saying this was published in 2008 means little if the reader doesn’t read the whole post or the date tag.

The ability to go back and fix, and publish something better, does take effort, and it takes a lot of ego-bashing to make your success happen, and like publishing a book, there isn’t a timeline to make it work for you, or for the income you would like to earn. It’s about learning from your mistakes, and then publish something better. As many have said before, it’s Write. Publish. Repeat. and do this for more success.I love challenges, it is my business to improve my writing and to be willing to improve how readers see me as an author. In all honesty, making money writing is also a great reason to keep publishing. Still there are many tips that people will find when writing, but I will share a few that I have learned which have helped me when writing anywhere.
1) Writing online is challenging but when you can find a few people in one place who are willing to support you and watch you grow as a writer, it becomes easier to write, and allows you to improve what you self-publish. More readers means that more people will either love what you write or will hate it. It is all about quality and communication within a community of writers, which is exactly what you need to build a better book. If you publish a good book to begin with, publishing another one is equally as hard, except for the fact you won’t have to network it as much if you have an established base of online readers.
2) Want to communicate something, publish it and make money in the process? It needs to be done well and it needs to have breaks in between. A blog needs to be interesting and you need to work on getting people to come and read it, and find it of value, and this allows you to learn more about improvement.
It’s also a lot of learning about numbers and using Google Analytics- your own realistic view of what you have published on your blog becomes more vital as each month passes. There really is not much in terms of challenges, just producing your best, and then hope and keep learning. The more that you can give to your readers the better your chances of enjoying your writing career, no matter who you are.
3) Writing can be edited and re-edited on older published blog posts, although some editing needs to be complete before you publish, updating is needed- this is true when what you said before isn’t correct anymore. At this point, you should re-edit your blog posts, adding to them each time you do, as there is always more imformation which you can give to your readers. This will help improve the books you intend to publish- you’ve made mistakes before but can spot them a lot sooner.
4) Adding the correct links and building your relationship with your readers: this one tip helped me a lot as it showed me the value of networking and relationships. What you want is a reader to be able and willing to find more of your writing on your blog or on Amazon. Use social networking sites to your advantage along with your own brand of personality. For all the talk of relationships, the one which you need to have is with your potential readers who will buy something you’ve published.
5) Focus on your own business: As a writer you can, with pen and paper in hand, go to older works of yours and see what works and what does not. For the most part writing good content is the key to getting people to read your work. There is a limit to how much people will read based on what you are writing about, but going back and reviewing and re-editing will build the trust you need with the people you want to have- readers for your book. You have to publish a lot of great writing to do this, and this is the only way you can earn money.
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go pain no gain? You're right! keep publishing and you'll make money. I love Living a Life of Writing. I miss Jordan- but Maurice is a fine book reviewer.
Pamela Hatheway
Great idea, I think once stuff is published we have the idea that we are done with it. Thank you for the tip.
Rebecca A Emrich
Amy and Pamela- yes it's never really done, besides, you have to keep at it too see success. Publishing a book is the first step.