Retreats and Mentoring in Writing Part 12 of 15
Welcome to all who are new. Jennifer Neri asked a good question, and I’ll try to answer it with this post. See yesterday’s comments for her question.
A mentor is someone who you should actively look for. I’ll explain how I went about it. It’s not easy to find one, that’s certain. However, I had several things in mind when I began my own search. One, that this person would challenge me to grow and to become a better writer. Two, that this person has various writing credits to their name. Three that they believed in writing and writing classes, and find ways to improve themselves and by extension myself.
I’m a firm believer in writing. I write. It’s my job, and my passion. I want to improve myself and for this, I needed a mentor. Beyond the fact that it would help me with my goal of publishing my non-fiction and fiction writings, this would also challenge me to make them better. You don’t know how many drafts and rewrites one does to get somewhat better.I want someone who encourages me to take breaks from writing, but to take breaks from the everyday life of a writer at home, as in go on a retreat. There are benefits to taking both types of retreats. One you come back refreshed and vitalized and you are writing in refreshed. I don’t think that there is a better way than that. When someone is 100% there, the passion in the writing becomes alive, truer, and more powerful. The reader can see that, and they know it’s true from the heart.
The most important thing a mentor can do and the main thing I looked for is publishing, if you want to write, you want to be published right? What is more fun or satisfying than seeing, you name in print, for a writer that is the ultimate goal. That is what a mentor needs to encourage, and strengthen. Better writing means more publication, means more exposure. The more exposure the more people know who you are. There are countless avenues to try while publishing, and a mentor helps because they’ve travelled the road before. I’m not suggesting getting a mentor who has made tons of money, but one who by virtue of the publishing credits they have knows what publishing is about.
My question to you today is this: What things do you look for in a mentor?
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Basically, I look for someone who challenges me, when I look for a mentor. I want someone to tell me when something's not good and push me to do better. At the phase I am in my writing, that's what I need. I need that final kick before I submit my manuscript for publication.
Thank you, Rebecca! What a great answer!
I have re-written my draft of my first novel countless times. I have not yet had the whole thing critiqued, only parts of it, and it has always been invaluable. Essentially I need someone who can see beyond pretty prose and into structure.
Thank you for this!
James Oh
I need someone who can know me and able to the lead me effectively so as I can stress myself to its maximum.
Thanks for enlightening us in this crucial point, which most people tend to neglect.
B.J. Anderson
I think you said it all!! Great post.
I have always had a passion for books. They take you to far away places and add a completely new, magical dimension to one's life.
Now I am writing and hope that I can transport others in the same way.
A mentor to help me to achieve this goal would be ideal. There are many resources right out my back door i.e. the Aspen Writer's Conference. If only I also had a nanny also.
Yes, from what you've all said we need mentors, and people around us to challenge us.
In a mentor?
I simply look for a person who is as passionate and dedicated to their writing as I am.