stone steps

Money And Writers Who’s Our David?

You need people to visit and stay on your blog for more time.  You need to have readers who care about what you have to say, or they will leave.

The most challenging aspect if your blog has some sort of traffic coming from the search engines you will make money with this sort of traffic. This means a bit of search engine optimization, or using the idea of “KISS” (Keep It Simple Silly).

stone steps
Take the steps one at a time

There are many other places a reader can come from, social media is a powerful tool, used correctly.  People can come from anywhere in the world, and this is a wonderful and scary tool.  We all have a love for writing, and we have a reason to grow as writers. On Writing is a personal favourite of mine because it shows me the value of writing, and readers.We might be a small blog in a big Internet, or a larger blog but there is one thing that keeps us going- money. Money and writers need to go hand in hand, and there is a laundry list of things to do.


It can almost feel a bit like David and Goliath, but we are not David in this case.  

Just like Goliath, we have the power to change, or to push something because we have the power of words. If this is the case who are the Davids we might take for granted?These Davids are our readers. Our blogs must reflect that respect we show to them, and we can’t underestimate the power of a reader, let’s not be that much of a Goliath. A blog or a website you run makes it easier for everyone to earn something if they are willing to focus on more than the minimum effort.   I was talking to some of my writing friends, and we all agree that while money and writing is important, we all need to live, knowing who our “David” is makes it easier to write.

The first step is to know and value each reader you get on your blog.

The next step is publishing a blog post for your readers, not just for you. That is at the heart of what you need to do.  If you are in a rut with your blog or your writing, it is probably because you are spending too much time focusing on the “extras.” Maintaining a blog is important, but the extras, the remembering to add three photo to each post or to write an online article somewhere, so you can earn a bit more income at the expense of your reader is taking them for granted.Let’s deal with the bad new first: not everyone who writes a blog will earn money, and there needs to be effort in engaging your readership. It’s your job to hustle and focus on what you need to write about to make a blog better.


Good news: It’s about relationships with your readers.  They make you the money for writing.


Darren Rowse
Blogging and Feeling Small

Here are a few parting questions you can ask yourself if you ever feel like a David.  There are days when you will feel like him, and there are days you will feel like the man he became.

They don’t comment you might say, but do you?

They don’t stay for any time at all? A better question to ask yourself is: have you gone out of your way to help them, or are you thinking about other less important aspects of your blog?  Can people find their way around your blog, and if not what are you doing about that?

Do your readers reach out to you?  If they do this, are you willing to go back and do the same?

Stop thinking about you, and think about your readers first, then everything will fall into place.  The art of being the hero is thinking about what you can do with what you have.  You have a blog, and this is a great beginning and this is where you can challenge yourself to think about your “David”
On a personal note, I love the quote by Darren Rowse, it keeps me focused on what can work and what might not work when blogging.  I have wonderful readers who will continue to read here on Living a Life of Writing.  They have helped me to improve, and they will continue to do so.