15 Reader Questions Answered

This month, on Living a Life of Writing, we opened our doors for reader questions about publishing, self-publishing, numbers, writing and just generally what it is like to be a writer. Most of these questions have to do with “numbers” and by this our readers want the cold hard numbers.
You asked, we listened. Here are, in no particular order a round up of 15 questions our readers asked.
1) Why it is so hard to self-publish and earn money on a book? I’ve heard so many numbers, I’m not sure what to think.
It depends of your market, your goals and your ability to get to your audience. Because a self-published author tends to not have the fund that they need, it’s hard to get a very good income.
2) Why should a person write fan fiction for free now that Amazon has something you can earn money with?
Fan Fiction should be free in my mind, it’s simply a means to develop your skills as a writer, or at least have fun with your imagination.
3) What is better to write fiction or non fiction?
Personally I prefer non-fiction, but I find that fiction and non-fiction are both great places to write. Depends on how you feel, or what you want to publish.

4) Should you ever have a co-author? Would you loose money if you did?
Again, co-authoring is a choice, and you have to pick your co-author with care. You might lose money and, again you might not, it’s all about communication.
5) What is the hardest part about self-publishing?
In a DIY world everything you’ve not done before can be a real challenge, the hardest part about self publishing is the learning curve.
6) How do you market a self-published book and not lose your money?
If I want to build on self-publishing there needs to be a budget of sorts. If you’ve self-published before you’ll have more experience with interior designs, or exterior, editing in general. If you’ve got a $500 budget to not ‘lose’ your money you have to make sure that you recoup your $500 through royalties.
7) Can the stigma of self-publishing ever be completely eliminated?
I don’t believe it can. There are many reasons for this answer, and I will expand more.
8) Should you blog if you self-publish your own book? Is a blog needed- how much time should be devoted to blogging?
Yes you should have a blog, or a website. How much time your devote is up to you.
9) How much money should you spend using social media?
In the social media world, the best answer is none. The next best is just enough to make back anything on your published book.
10) Is there a limit to self-published book sales? If this is true, is that why people keep self-publishing?
There is a limit to a life of a book. This is true for every book, and so the more you write the better the chances that you will make income, or sell more books.
11) Who makes more money a self-published author or a traditionally published author?
Again, it depends, just like blogging, some earn income and some don’t.
12) How can you decide who is a “reputable” self-publisher?
For some, it is the ease that one has. For others, a reputable self-publisher, will have an overall good reputation in the world of publishing.
13) How much money can each book earn if you self-publish?
Depends on how much you sell it for.
14) How helpful are Twitter and Facebook in increasing sales of your book?
Marketed correctly, and at specific times can help increase your book sales, but you have to be aware that some people will not have the time and energy to ‘juggle’ social media and promote you. That and it doesn’t mean sales even on social media.
15) Are there money making secrets to Amazon and Kindle?
No, there aren’t, just be yourself, and keep moving forward. A well written book, a good interior, and just having a good sense of what can be good and what is crap is also a good thing to know.
There you have it, you’ve spoken to us, and we will answer you this month. Our the next while
A Look in the Mirror
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