Are Dreams a Part of Writing?
I’ve learned a lot about myself as a writer, and how dreams are only good if you take time to take some action to build on them. It’s about writing and the life you lead. Writing can change your outlook on life, and it can burn you and build you and then take it back once again.
Don’t ever give up on your dreams.
Don’t let anyone stop you.
Publish that book you’ve been dreaming about.
Dream Big and Set Goals.
Relax things will come in time.
Laugh, a lot, because everyone makes mistakes.
Relax, a deep breath can make all the difference.
Dreams are a part of writing.
Relaxing is a part of writing.
Don’t forget to do both.
Love the art of writing, and don’t worry about the money– if you haven’t published a book yet..
Be passionate and follow your writing dreams.
Don’t let anyone stop you- they are your dreams.
Love each word you write.
Love each word your edit.
Just love the process of writing.
These are just small ideas which have come to me over the time I have worked as a writer. I’ve seen successes and failures. I’ve been up and down and I’ve taken more chances than I would have if I hadn’t tried to be a better person and writer. I’ve learned action is what makes dreams come true, and the more I challenge myself the better I become.
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Marlena Cassidy
This, this, this, this, a thousand times this.
Rebecca, wonderful inspiration!
Thank you, my dear.
excellent for me, do you write poetry?
Rebecca A Emrich
Anon– no I don't write poetry. I was enjoying this.