Should You Use An Online Editor?
Yes, you can and should use editors. In fact you are probably not your best editor. The point is that someone must look over your work and help you out. Every writer needs an editor. I have found this out in an unusual method. I went online to see what online editors provide for my writing.
It turns out they have provided a lot for my writing. They have made a number of suggestions that I can use on my online writing and on my blog. They have also helped with my soon to be published manuscript and they have done wonders.
Now, this comes with a warning: They editors will often be far more gentle to you than your readers will be. They are there to point out and suggest. Your online editors can only suggest so much. One thing that they have done is improved how I look at my writing.
One editor (at fristediting) even pointed out things about improving how my blogs’ look to make the most out of a writing blog, which admittedly needs some work (in terms of editing). While it has good PageRank, the point is that editing is key to keeping people reading. This is a lot of help from online editors.
After reading some of my own work, I totally agree.
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Damaria Senne
I agree with you that writers need editors. I regard client copy, which includes web site content and blog posts, that I send out to my editors as raw. A good editor will find the mistakes that are uniquely you( the ones you always seem to make) and help you fix them. They get an objective look at your material and see more clearly what you missed, and ways you can improve it. They also give me perspective on large projects – after working on something for weeks on end, it's so easy to look at a document and wonder if it's just a piece of rubbish and the client will fire me. An editor shows me what I can do to fix the errors so the good bits are shown off more clearly.
Sometimes I'd disagree with my editors' suggestion, but for the most part I've found that when I take suggestions from a good editor, my run-of-the-mill story transforms into something that shines.
Jay Schwartz
Hi! Nice post. I agree and disagree with your comments because there are editors … and then are editors. I've worked with the both and have had my own share of ups and downs. Yes, it's difficult, and awful painful, to self-edit especially in terms of content. However, a good editor will help you realize your vision by making the rough edges in your material more palatable to others, without losing the essence of who you are as a visionary.
excellent points, and I would say that yes, there are editors… and as jay said… there are editors!