E-Books and Paper-Bound Books? Would You Publish Both Formats?
I was asked will I be publishing an e-book? well this is a good question, and one which I think will take a good bit of time to work out.
My first thought was to answer no, but then my mind started to work again and my answer will be that I will publish my work in both formats. This has lead to a few marketing points that I would not have thought of.
1) Yes my Kindle does let me read a nook based book, not well, but it lets me read it. I was pleased that I could, and it is reasonably inexpensive to buy an e-book. This means that I can have a larger audience than, I would have with just paperback or hardcover.
2) The more I read the more I can find that there is a huge “passive” market for e-books. In other words, I can have more people consider buying a $5 e-book, as opposed to a $12 book. This can mean a profit sooner as opposed to later.
3) It is a way to get more people to look at a book, and the long and short of it is, write a book well enough and then publish another, putting both in e-book format, this can lead to more sales.
4) It is reasonably easy to publish an e-book. In fact a number of authors have said that with a half- decent pdf file, you should be able to do this. Mind you design is only a part of the work, editing is needed to publish a good book.
So, will I be publishing an e-book? Yes I will along with choice for my future readers, which means e-book formats and paper-bound formats.
Killer Edit Freeze.....
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