Writing and Priorities.
Some things never change. There are days when I have no time to write and yet I find it. After more than a little while all writers will find time to write and time to do what they need to do in a day, and this is not about money but about focusing on what we are passionate about. That passion is our writing.
It is easy to know something is wrong when people will not read or look at things– or rather when they have time for others and not for the work you have done. They also have priorities, but when they can find excuses, then this is something to look into as a writer, this is when you begin to question what is valuable, or not. An editor not getting back to you, is different than if say a family member has not read your latest first draft.
Not that I am writing something fantastic, I suppose most will not give it a second look and yet it would also be nice to get feedback sooner then later. Again it is what is important to everyone, your latest first draft is not as important in terms of being read and critiqued than if you have a final draft waiting to be sent to publishers and agents.
See, again it is all about priorities, and some times writers need a thick skin to survive in this writing business. At least they need to have a goal in mind, which is usually publishing. The priorities are (or should) simple: Get published so that you can continue to write and produce work of value.
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