To A Writer, Writing is Important
Would you say writing is important?
This is one of the challenges that many writers face on a regular basis they write and they are passionate about what they write. They believe in their writing and they also believe in the fact that writing is important to them and to others who they are writing to and for. Some times it happens that the people close to them do not believe that writing is important. They see them as doing something that is a hobby or it means they have more flexibility for other things that a person needs them to do.
To them writing is a hobby something that they enjoy doing on a regular basis but not as a full time occupation. This is not to suggest that they will not say, kindly of course, that the writer should find a real job. Often what they are suggesting is that the writer find a job where the pay is steady and regular. This is often very disheartening to any writer.
Writing is important, and to them it is a part of the reason why they continue to write on their blogs, online writing other articles or simply writing the book that they have always longed to write. Writing is fun and challenging but they would not have it any other way.

For some writing for a living is as enjoyable as they would have imagined it to be. They have it all written down and it is a business to them because writing is important to them. To others,writing is so important that they will accept some of the harder fall outs, the loss of friendships which they valued, or the loss of a more stable job. To them, a job is something they don’t have to have only because it takes away from their passion and their business, but they also have a clear vision and a plan to grow their writing business.
Still, often writers who love what they do, find even simply writing in a journal is enough to prove to them that writing is important in their lives and they do not have to write for a living or write often to know how important it is to them. Writing is important, they will tell you, and they will point to their blogs or their online articles, and they will tell you how proud they are of the work they have accomplished, and you as a reader can look and see that this is true, then there are the other guys.
The other guys, we all know these ones, while they will tell it from the rooftops they have done everything they could and there is no success and they should have, could have or would have. No one wants to be this sort of person. Yet, writers do this all the time, some will say they have something to work on, others will be more open- writing isn’t fun anymore, they simply don’t have the passion or drive to continue, or it’s too much of a business. They need a break, they need to think about it, they need. They don’t. What they need to learn is where in the world is writing to them and for them. They might want to evaluate what works for them and how they feel things can be changed if needed. The problem is deep down they don’t want to.
That writing is important goes beyond simply the art of writing, it allows the writer to dream and to feel passionate about, they can learn that they create something that is of value to them. The key is finding value in the act of writing. Often writers forget that they are as important to the art of writing as the readers are. There is a bond which is created between the writer and the reader.
The writer creates the book which the reader wants to read and enjoy and the writer finds the why they need to create and write another book. It does not need to be a bestseller, it simply needs to be something that is important to them and to others. That is the beauty of writing and the beauty of writing what is important to others.
Why I Write
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Michelle Scott
You are so right. To me, writing is what adds spice to my life. Without it, I would feel plain and ordinary. And you are spot-on when you say that writers need to write what's important to *them*.
Writing gives me a chance to be and do and say things I wouldn't normally get a chance to do. I write in fits and starts, and when I'm in "the zone" – life is good! Very little else matters, until I finish that sentence/paragraph/page!
I so agree with you. I don't really write to aquire a HUGE book deal or make money. I simply wish for someone to really "get" what I write and to enjoy it as much as I do. Love the post!
The very essence of writing and what it means to difference people is portrayed here. An insightful can actually see some steps to writing well if he were to understand the motive for writing.