On Writing Well: Five Tips
So many writers want to know how to write well, and for the most part it is easy to write and to write well. Sometimes we get into the idea that writing means money and traffic to a blog, site promotion, that we forget that really that does not matter if we are writing well. There is an old saying that content is king. That saying is very true, the better you write, the more chances you have to get everything you need in your writing career.
To me, there are five simple things that writers can do to not only write well, but also feel that their writing is going well.
1) Set a specific time to write: If you do not plan a time and a place to write, often you will feel mixed up, and will lack focus. Too many writers stop writing simply because there is no set time for them to write. They do not have a sense of enjoyment in writing simply because the work that they do to write is haphazard at best. Set a specific time to write, and tell others this is when you will be writing.
2) Not enjoying what they are writing: Writing well means enjoying what you are writing. Of course sometimes what a writer is writing is simply to pay the bills but for the most part, there needs to be some joy in writing, some reason why you want to continue being a writer. This will help with your passion for writing, but improves your writing in the long term. Another way that you can get better at writing is by visiting thesishelp.net as they will be able to help you write to near perfection.
3) Be Yourself: Sometimes, when writers write they want everything to be perfect, perfectly edited, well written,somewhat like some famous author whom they have never read. Really, writing well simply means writing with you in mind, write the way you write not how say, Terry Brooks writes. It is your book.
4) It is Okay to make a mistake: writing well means that it can not be perfect all the time. Writers are humans, and they do make mistakes. That is where a second pair of eyes comes in. Getting an editor will help a lot. No, not family members as they will be too nice to you, a professional editor is a must, but still be gentle when in the finished book you see a “typo.”
5) Writing well means always learning: An online writing course can be a life saver and is a must for any writer who wants to write well. Not only is a great way to interact often other writers help you improve your writing and help you see where things are going well. Writing well means that you need to always keep learning.
These are the five things that I believe will help writers with their writing, and help them not only become better writers, but feel good that they are writing well.
Great list Rebecca!
We should all remember to be kind to ourselves when we realise we aren't perfect.
Great list. I especially like #4 It's Ok To Make a Mistake. I think many writers stop writing altogether because of the fear that what they write might not be good. I say write it down and go back and revise later. But just write!