Regally Yours, Guest Blogger Duchess O’Blunt.
For those who want to read a publishing hub pages expert, Duchess O’Blunt has had my attention since I began on hubpages. (of course Lynda Martin rates up here as well, and so Does Mystique and Dohn 121— any of you guys want a guest spot here it’s yours!) Still I’ll hand it over to our beloved Duchess O’blunt.
I have been writing from the time I could hold a pen and string together a bunch of words and know that what I wrote had meaning.
I remember my first speech and how nervous I was writing it. I wanted, even then, to be recognized. Everyone laughed when I gave my speech which upset me terribly. My mother, God bless her, explained how it was a good thing; that I captivated the audience and they were actually listening. Looking back I suppose they were appreciative of my humor and the opportunity of viewing the world through my smart-alecky seven year olds eyes.
Holding a good pen and looking at a blank piece of paper has always been a thrilling challenge. What shall I write? How should I fill up those pages? Where do I want to go today? Imagination has long been a true friend. Together we have travelled this world and many others.
I’ve passed the ½ century mark, and still I write. My guess is that it is something innate, a desire to be heard perhaps. There’s not a single doubt in my mind the desire to be published and read by thousands – maybe millions –developed from those early exploits experienced with my pen and those many blank pages.
To that end, I have finally decided it’s time to take that all important first step and write something worthy of being published. That’s not a small feat; this particular field has so many talented players. However, I must not let that stop me from trying.
Here’s the thing. My secret fear and what holds me back more than anything. Am I good enough? Having a support group of people who love you and are convinced you can do anything does nothing to prepare you for the real world where people will dissect, critique and judge everything you do.
Figuratively speaking I have pen in hand and a story to tell. It’s been a lot of hard work, research, editing and rewrites. But the challenge is still there. When I’m done telling it’s on to an even more challenging step; getting published.
Regally Yours,
The Duchess O’Blunt