Is Writing and Publishing a Valuable Part to a Writer’s Life?
This is the last in this series on writing and publishing. For the past three days I’ve written on the vital link between writing and publishing as a part of a writers life. For those who are new welcome, and for those who are long time fans, send me a note telling what you think of the new format. (There are series, but they will only be three to five parts.)
Comments are needed to let me know what’s going on and what’s good or not.
At any rate what does writing and publishing have to do with people? Simple, other than making tons of money on one book, which admittedly doesn’t happen often on a first book. (read anything about the Harry Potter series, and you’ll see this to be true… I believe I’ve read that the first couple of books sold well, but didn’t become a phenomenon until later books. It was Because everyone had to read the start)
The writing is good, and although the outcome was known before the books ended, the how was what brought people back. What’s your How in your writing? Is the how a part of the character or the plot or both?
What is the best thing about publishing?
For me it’s a byline, my own byline, it’s something important and valuable. I’m so glad to have people reading my blog and reading my hubs and be able to do something i love, but it takes time. In fact I’ve read more on blogging recently, mostly because I want to make this a blog where people need to come and read my published work.
My thanks to all of you.
My Question today is this: What is writing and publishing to you?
Jennifer Shirk
Writing (whether it's through blogs, books, or articles) is a huge part of communication for me–as is reading. I like to feel and express lots of emotions with them. 🙂
yes reading is a part of teh equation I left out, but not for a really good reason, mostly because my post would then get too big!
Writing and publishing are my bread an butter. You can't have one without the other. I enjoy the act of writing, plotting, following the characters to places even I'm afraid to go. But publishing is the real root of it all. I want to spread my stories to as many people as humanely possible.
and you will rob, you will.