Is Writing Non-Fiction Boring? Part 7 of 15
What happens when writing takes a back seat to life?
Or worst still become the back seat?
I’ve had to listen to that for a while now, from a friend who wanted to write, and did rather prolifically, meaning in other words more than I ever did or do. She could make me look bad on a great day. Then it happened. She slowed down, nothing that would be noticeable and nothing that anyone commented on right away.
I think that is what mad the problem worse. She wasn’t suffering from burn out, or at least this is what she claims to this day but one year age she stopped. It was as if her heart was no longer in it. She’d sit at the computer and type, but then retype and retype. When I say this I mean that one page took her about a week to do, and for her not good.
When I say she stopped the writing is now a mere once a month for a about ten minutes type thing. So what happened? I spent the afternoon with her and the kids yesterday, so with three kids and some quite down time, I asked her why? Her reply?
” I can’t do it anymore. No one likes me, no one asks how I’m doing, and no one in my family cares I was a writer. I just wanted to write. But my dad doesn’t care”
After that we just sipped our tea, and eyed the kids, but it did get me thinking. When you write, be it non-fiction or fiction, is there someone whose approval you want?
For my non-fiction writing there is and they are my parents, it may sound as if I’ve lost my mind, but really it’s true. I grew up in a house full of writing. My mother is a writer, and my father not that he doesn’t enjoy writing, doesn’t consider himself a writer, yet he taught me how to write.
But still, just once I’d like to hear gee I want to read your writing and read it and enjoy it, no pen or complaints or comments. Realistically that will never happen, editing is to ingrained, but still, it would be nice?
Will it make me stop writing non fiction? No.
Does it Hurt? Yes.
Am I still a writer? Yes.
Should I stop writing non-fiction or fiction? No.
Is there still room to grow? Yes!
So, My Question for you today is this: What’s pulling you back? If not a what then who is pulling you back?

Pictures... Why we Write
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brittany michelle
I have to say that day by day, I am amazed by the questions you ask. They really make me think and be honest with myself, and isn't that what you primarily need to establish when writing? You need to be honest with yourself. I think that's the biggest thing that pulls me back. Most of the time, honesty is a scary thing to discover and incorporate into writing, and if your readers, parents or friends or whomever else, if your readers don't appreciate the truth that you constantly struggle to put out there in creative ways, it's hard to keep writing. It's a valid point that you bring up.
What holds me back? Self doubt. Not doubt about the writing, I know I spin a good yarn. It is doubt about my capacity to self promote and handle the rejection that comes with the whole query process.