Is Fiction A Type of Fabrication? Part 5 of 10
I know, this blog is a bit late, but life is like that. If you’ve just joined us, see part One to read the email. I look at fiction as having an element of fun to it. Not that non-fiction…
Is Fiction A Type of Fabrication? Part 4 of 10
If you are looking for the original email that started this all please see the last few posts. The email is in italics, so it is easier to find. Comments are welcomed, give me your view. The more I think…
Is Fiction A Type of Fabrication? Part 3 of 10
If you’ve just joined us please read the blog which started this all, about two posts ago. Because you have to wonder if you write fiction it is something like a fabrication or a lie? Is writing about improving or…
Is Fiction A Type of Fabrication? Part 2 of 10
Let me just say thanks for all the comments keep it up. They are insightful, and helpful. I’m pleased that you all came and that you left so many comments, wasn’t expecting that. If you are new, please read the…
Is Fiction a Type of Fabrication? Part 1 of 10
To start, this is a series of blogs about which I am writing about on goal setting and a Question that I received by email a while back. For this blog entry I’ll put forth the email, it comes from…
Writing and Taking Writing Classes
I’ve touched on this subject a number of times before, that of writing classes and how they might be able to help you. I’ve found some to be helpful and some not so much. I think it has to do…
Do Writing Goals Help You?
What does writing goals have to dow with writing? Yesterday I wrote about goals and writing. I talked about daily goals, the ones where you have a plan for each day as to how much or to what quality you…
Writing to Pages or to Goals?
This is the debate that goes on in my head now that I am editing my manuscript. Do I edit say, 3 pages per day or do I edit to have no more edits? For me this debate is easy,…