Does Editing a Manuscript get it Published? Part 1 of 12
I can say the answer is both yes and no. There can be to much of a good thing. Editing is a vital part to publishing, in fact it is unusual for a manuscript to get several edits from several…
Editing and Publishing books
I’ll be listing my five favorite books on editing and publishing, but I want your comments: Can you name your five favorite books that help you with editing? My most preferred editing book is a tiny little grey book, Elements…
Is Fiction A Type of Fabrication? Part 10 of 10
To all those who just joined us welcome. This is the last of the ten part series, and it’s been fun. Feel free to add comments to the posts. If you’re looking for the email that began this series, please…
Is Fiction a Type of Fabrication? Part 9 of 10
To those of you who just came, welcome. Feel free to leave a comment, if you are wondering what this series is about, check out part one which has the email that started this series. This series is almost complete,…
Is Fiction a Type of Fabrication? Part 8 of 10
To those who just joined us, welcome. Please read the email that started this series. It is located in part one. Comments are welcomed, either for or against what I am suggesting. We’re down to the last few blogs for…
Is Fiction a Type of Fabrication? Part 7 of 10
For those who just joined us, welcome, please see the part 1 of 10 in this series to read the email, and comments are welcome. I’ve covered topics from literary fiction to historical fiction and beyond, add your comment, and…
New Series Coming Soon.
I am planning out my next series…I have three I’m working on. Can you tell me which one I should start with? Non-Fiction Series (another 10 part series) Creative Writing Classes and Retreats (a 15 Part series) and Editing Manuscripts…
Is Fiction a Type of Fabrication? Part 6 of 10
If you’ve just joined us, see the first blog in this series to get the email on which this is based. I’m looking at the art of fiction through the lens of someone who disagrees with the email. It has…