Stop Writing and Just Get Published!
April 25, 2009
Day 25:
The title says it all. That is the main comment people make, why don’t you stop writing and get published?
The title says it all. That is the main comment people make, why don’t you stop writing and get published?
what an ironic statement. You can’t get published without writing… but you can get published with some writing done that is written well.
Ah, the irony. I suspect that is why writers are often misunderstood.
What I’m Reading Today:
The Old Man and The Sea. Do I need to tell you the author?
I’ve read it a lot over the years, but I see where he’s going and the theme far better now that I write as well. Hemingway’s writing was the best. It almost seems like the dialogue is narrative or narrative is the dialogue.
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