
Thanks To Everyone Who Writes

writers love to be recognized and they spend a lot of time writing and writing and editing some more.  it is not an easy life to begin with and some days you wish that people would stop writing a blog to read your blog.  after all it is why you have published and customized your blog so much to make it look better.

You want to say thanks– by leaving a comment or something….

They have done wonders with their work.  Other writers have taken time to come and comment and you need to say something- or at least write something on your blog.

custom publish it as the case may be.  You want to make your readers feel wonderful.  I know that I want my readers to know that my writing improves and I am passionate about writing because of them… so…

A big thanks to all my readers: The ones who come and read this blog, the ones who write a blog and do that every day.  The ones who care about increasing traffic, but not at the expense of destroying their writing.

Publish that blog, publish that book… but remember that is why there is an acknowledgement section of a book.  So in my writer’s life:  THANK YOU!

One Comment

  • Draftinggirl

    Thank you!~ I came across your page, I actually dont recall how, but I am here now! And I am thankful I did. Its an inspiration, and just a pleasure to read read read, and encourages me to write, Im just a beginer, but hopeing to be as acomplished as your page!! ~~Best wishes~~