Things Learned About Blogging While Falling Down
Rewrites are harder then they look, it is true with blogs and it is true with editing. What I need to say is there, what I must communicate in a powerful format is there, but not right, so whatever I’m writing requires editing. The same hold true with this blog, it is a young blog but it is one where I am slowly growing with it. I am sure it has a lot of potential and something which over time I will be proud of but it is blogging and there is a learning curve.
In doing so, I’ve learned it’s hard to fly, and within the last day, I’m learning the fine art of falling flat on my face then picking myself up only to finish what I started and to fall again. Each step must be taken in its own time.
I’m sure my blog will have success and people will come and read it, but blogging is a lot harder than it looks. My blog is about writing and to the point my writing and I am sure it will be there for me to share and to feel that what I can offer is valuable to my readers on their own journey in writing.

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