Easy Reading Charlotte Gray And Some Canada Love
Here are some lighter non-fiction reads… Before we got to some Canada love, I’d like to mention two other books that are great to read, by a couple of different authors: Bill Bryson’s One Summer, which describes the outstanding…
Sophie’s World: Philosophy 101
What I found to be a really good read of fiction is Sophie’s World, a novel by Jostein Gaarder. It was written in 1991 and translated from its original Norwegian. The translation is a well balanced bit of writing, and…
Self-Publishing, Writing and Pain
Writing is a rather lonely process. It’s also, along with being human, one of the most hope-shattering careers a person can choose. All the self-help books in the world won’t help a writer find their groove when it becomes lost.…
Guest Blogger Judy Croome: A Rose By Any Other Name (Or Branding Yourself)
A Rose by Any Other Name by Judy Croome Walking into a grocery store to buy some butter, we go straight to the aisle marked ‘Dairy’, choose the brand we prefer and head to the till to pay for it.…
The Kindness of Strangers
Why it is so hard to self-publish and earn money on a book? I’ve heard so many numbers, I’m not sure what to think. This is one of the reader questions submitted for this month. It seems like a simple…
Taking the Time to Improve Your Writing With a Musical Example
Writers need editors, and editors need to improve the writer’s work so people will love their writing. The same holds trues with any art form, and Sister Act has one of the best examples I can think of. I’m…
Will Doing More on a Blog Earn More Money?
This writer’s question from an email is simple: they asked that if they write and publish 50 blog posts and get $1 a day from that, then logically this means that by writing 5,000 of them in a short time…
E-books and Kindle Digital Rights Management
I have avoided this debate for a while now, but with several books on the way to being published this year and next, I have to face this question soon enough. What should I do with my e-book and should…