So What Does Self Publishing Mean To You?
Simply put self-publishing is when you as the writer of said book, also happens to be the chief market personnel and distributor and the person who spends the money. So, this means that to most writers they will be doing…
Make Money Writing: Have You Got It in You?
Many writers would love to make money, a lot of money in fact, but what writers, want really is to make a lot of money. If all writers could make $100 a day or more on the writing they do,…
Write and Publish
So what is the most important part for you? write and publish or just write? There is a difference and most writers know what the difference is, and they will still love the art of writing and the business end…
What Does Writing JOY Mean to you?
As many of you do not know I love flowers and have them everywhere near me, I took this photo a couple of days ago of white orchids that I have sitting by my window. They have given me so…
When Writing is “Boring”
Some days are like that you can sit there at the computer and type away at the keyboard and whatever you do does not seem like it is something you really want to be writing. As writers we do not…
Writing Well: Four Points
All writers want to write well. It is a goal, which as a community we share. In fact, it is something that we strive for, this improving this making things better something to read. Writing well is an art form…
Should My Writing be Valued?
There comes a point in time in every writers life when they ask the question: should my writing be valued? Not only by them but by a wider audience. This is a wonderful and yet, complex, question that has to…
Are Writers Valued?
Writing is an art which is one that seems to have a response of either support from others or not. There does not seem to be middle ground with writing and the people who consider themselves writers. The road to…