Why Would You write Else Where? Writing on a Blog… and Beyond
Since I’ve written the last two posts about writing on various websites, developing a view on writers and increasing your traffic to your main sites, I asked myself this question: Why would you write elsewhere? I mean why write say…
What About Bukisa?
There are a lot of people who have sent me emails asking since you’ve mentioned wikinut, what about bukisa? Now it is similar to blogger in terms of making money you, write and people click on your ads from Google…
Would You Write on Most Online Writing Sites?
There are many people who think about writing and who think about the art of making money in terms of writing online. One such place that offers you a chance to write and then to make money online is the…
If Your Writing Makes You Money Now… is that Good?
Writing is a business just like any other. The main difference is that as a writer you have many critics and detractors. The other difference is that there are two parts to making money with your writing. Freelance writing and…
Is Writing That Important?
It is important to write, and it is important to have passion for what you do. It is just that many writers can get lost in the details of their writing and not see the larger picture for what is…
Blogging and the Art of a Blog
Everyone who writes has a blog these days, and everyone who is a writer wants to have something that shows people what they love to do which is writing. Having a blog is one thing, but writers often have a…
Publishing and Writing
There are so many things about writing that one can write about, and there are equally as many things that one can write on in regards to publishing. There is a lot of things that are similar to both businesses…
Thinking About Self-Publishing with AuthorHouse or Xlibris?
AuthorHouse, iUniverse and Xlibris are a vanity presses. That is the end of the story — at least it is for many writers. They know about how self-publishing works, even if they won’t self-publish but they also feel there are more…