Quality Alert? Writers and The Internet
A writer must consider quality content above all else.

Quality Alert?
The great Internet, and this is by definition a great leveller. A number of years ago, when I was a far less mature writer, I planned to write on the Internet, and it seemed to be the easiest thing to do. I won’t argue about what happened, most people have heard of the downfall of the writing websites, but there was a reason, and this reason was quality. For writers it was a good time to be writing, but they worked with non-writers, and this was the beginning of the problems.The quality wasn’t there.
I admit that at first glance, it looked like there was quality content, because it was hard to write a 400 word article, and then get it promoted to the right audience and at the right time. The reality was, it was a short piece, and most of my new blog posts are longer than this. The second problem was how people ‘saw’ the articles. Some saw them as being good, whereas others would point out the mistakes they saw.
Until a bigger player made changes to what they saw as quality, there wasn’t a need to change much. At least this is the first instinct of a writer. If it works, don’t change it. Looking back means you can find out if your work is good – or not.
Quality Alert?
Back to bestselling authors, and their influence on other writers. John Grisham, and Stephen King. Both of whom are bestselling authors. Both of whom my writing friends and I enjoy reading. The point is, they both publish a large number of books at a fairly fast pace, and one can assume this pace will not change in the next while. Stephen King has published 54 novels, and Grisham one a year since 1988. I like King’s writing, and I see it as quality writing, and one which I want to emulate. My friend does not. However, there is no ‘quality alert’ with either of these writers.
The same holds true with the Internet, there are very successful writers out there, however, there is a major difference, there is a lack of gatekeeping when it comes to writers and the Internet. Since there is such a learning curve it is important there are other factors which will help a writer grow. Finding your passion is the first step, the next is finding the technology which works best for you, and the last is finding the best way to share the best you have to offer.
One of them is working towards seeing writing as a means to be a business, and rebuilding parts which are failing. It’s a lot of work but not something that will hurt in the long run. In this be your own quality alert system and be better than others.

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