Tech Review: White Noise Machines. Your Savior in a Distracting World.
I get distracted easily when I’m trying to read or write. Maybe there’s something out there that can help drown out life’s disturbances.

reason, needs to be done at 10 o’ clock at night on a weekday. Or maybe that owl family in your 150 year old house’s attic, just won’t stop watching Legends of the Guardians of Ga’Hoole (a great computer animated movie featuring nothing but owls), on full blast, in the middle of the night, while you’re trying to sleep.
is always racing. Growing up, I have always had teachers include the phrase “gets distracted easily”, or ”has trouble focusing”, or “constantly fidgets” listed at the bottom of every report card. This was during my grade school years, especially.Back then A.D.D. / A.D.H.D., (Attention Defincite Disorder) didn’t seem as rampant (the condition existed, but I personally don’t recall the acronym existing – I’m sure I am mistaken.) This was the late 70’s / all of the 80’s.
My parents recognized my trouble with concentrating, even mentioned it to the school’s principal, and for some reason it was downplayed. It wasn’t taken seriously.To this day, my parents express regret that they didn’t push the issue further, especially when they hear me snap at my kids for breaking my train of thought. (My train of thought doesn’t run though the town that is also known as my brain, on a regular schedule.) I’m not saying I don’t use my brain. Just not like I want to.
There are rare times when I am deep in thought, daydreaming, or am actually focusing on something for more than a few minutes. I feel more alive for some reason, during these few and far between moments.Often, my mind races with repetitive thoughts. The same phrase over and over. Songs that I hear on the radio getting stuck on repeat in my mind. (Ear worms as they call it). Even songs I really like, I find myself getting sick of very quickly, as I play them during the day in my head more often than the radio station would play them in a whole week.

others will turn their heads towards them in admiration, when in actuality, they’re thinking “wow, that guy is damaging his hearing
while driving around trying to impress people on the sidewalk with his expensive audio system (which is sometimes worth more than the actual car it’s installed in!).
(man, that makes me seem old, doesn’t it?). It would drown out the talking classmates while I was working on assignments.
HoMedics SS-2000G/F-AMZ Sound Spa Relaxation Machine with 6 Nature Sounds, Silver
-This machine, and one I like is at the lower end of the price range, which has six soundscapes to chose from, three auto-off times, and can run all night if you wish. It is smaller, light weight and is portable enough to fit easily in a suitcase. Runs on batteries or a power cord.
LectroFan – Fan Sound and White Noise Machine, White (FFP)
– mid range, has 10 fan sounds, and 10 white static noise sounds, can even be powered by a U.S.B. port, has a simple design with minimal buttons, but has no nature soundscapes. If you want the sound of the ocean, this one is not for you.
Ecotones Sound + Sleep Machine, Model ASM1002
This machine is a bit more pricey but has the best features, such as adaptive sound technology. If the sound you’re trying to drown out increases, it turns its volume up. When the sound gets quieter, it turns it down, automatically. It has 10 realistic, high quality soundscapes. Different timer options, but no running all night mode, sadly. Not as portable as the other two. Wall outlet powered only. Based on its aesthetics alone, I’d go for this one. Sure it costs more, but can you put a price on eliminating distractions?
My wife may get one of these for Christmas, though, as she hates my
constant snoring.

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