Increase Traffic and Money to Your Blog
Do you want to improve traffic to your blog? Would you even like to make money with this blog? In this case you need a good deal of luck as well as a great blog with a lot of well-read older blog posts that people will still go and read. You will need to have affiliate programs which earn you money, but the key is getting the readers you need and the ones you want.
The simplest explanation for why you’re not making money on your blog is: you don’t want to take the time or the effort to do it. You need to get your blog noticed, and you need to write on a regular basis, and you need to go back and edit your blog. You also need to learn about proper keywords. You need a good-looking blog – you need to get the search engines to notice you, and you need to have some sort of social networking sites- and followers- to get the traffic you want. I lost you there didn’t I? If you want money you have to be willing to do the work.
I’m pretty sure I’ve sent my editors into a panic over the last few days- not only am I being critical of my book, but I’m looking at my blog in a different way. It’s been a while since I’ve looked over my blog from the perspective of a reader – and I have concluded it’s a decent blog, with good traffic, but it could be something more. The key to my new look regarding my blog was going back as far as I could.
No comments appear in some of my older posts, and it’s no wonder, most of the blog posts are short and don’t give back to the reader. There is a lack of interest on my part, and it shows to the reader. There is a difference between good and great. If you want to make money, there is a difference between a relationship with your reader and just being a ‘writer.’ Anyone with sense can write a blog post. Anyone who is willing to pay the price can make a blog great, and like a book this takes time.
When starting on a blog, or going back and dealing with older posts which are costing you dearly, you need to do a few things to jump-start your business– this goes beyond writing and publishing a book. You need a bit of Internet knowledge and a lot of Google knowledge, and a basic idea of how you are going to maximize your posts so that they will make you the most money. Then it’s time to sit down and fix it up. With nearly 1,300 posts I estimate it will take about 1,000 hours to bring Living a Life of Writing back to its former glory. I have to increase traffic, but I also have to care about my readers- they are the ones who help me, not the other way around.href=”https://livingalifeofwriting.com/2015/01/selling-your-self-published-book.html”>it’s as true with a blog as it is with a book.
If you want to make money from home the first thing to do is to get organized, and create a plan where you set some goals for the future. Most people talk about pillar articles, and these are older blog posts that still have readers coming to read them. My first goal was to go back and fix these up. They are the ones that help to build my blog.
Next were the blog posts around these 25 posts. I’ve built these up and corrected some mistakes- because even though they were published years ago, updating them is critical to my writing reputation. My view is the readers need me to care. I was reading the book Writing Magic and I found it to be exactly what I needed for this blog, and my book. The only way you will increase traffic and sales is if you connect with your readers- and they can connect with you, by word of mouth- and in this sense the social networking sites will be of value to me.
The next goal is to increase traffic to my blog. Social networking sites are a must, and I have to take care to once again build relationships and communicate my intentions in order to be better to the readers I have.
Money is earned when your readers see value in your writing. This means making better connections and communicating very clearly what I intend. The only way to increase traffic and to improve my blog’s earnings is to rebuild the trust people have in my writing and in my own life as a writer. It’s about maintaining a blog and improving upon it and myself.

Selling Your Self-Published Book
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