Reality in Self-Publishing With a Side of Comedy
For a bit of reality and insane humour, about self-publishing a book.

Part 7 (also known as Step 7):
Drink coffee and eat chocolate well into the night all the while reading the how to self-publish a book manual. Realize that you should be writing a book, which, to your dismay, is on the computer, buried under paper of your plans for self-publishing, or making money, and you aren’t sure which.
Reality: If by this time you haven’t edited, and you are still researching how to self-publish, you won’t have a book ready. It takes at least a year for a book to be published, even self-published. You should also have a social media presence, and if you don’t, starting one now is a good time.
Part 8 (also known as Step 8):
Finish book and decide that print on demand is the way to go. Google it, and find the cheapest print on demand publisher, or vanity press. Change mind and request refund. Decide to use another self-publishing company. Change mind and demand a refund.
Reality: Contracts can’t be broken easily. Print on demand is a business, as are the big self-publishing companies, who will gladly allow you to spend a lot of money, but the moment anything is done, the money is theirs to keep. They did the service, you pay for it.
Part 9 (also known as Step 9):
Decide to send manuscript out. Change your mind. Decide to send it out anyways. Change mind. Have more caffeine. Have some chocolate. Send it out at midnight via email to the self-publishing company of your choice.
Reality: At this point there isn’t a change of heart, you’ve got your book written, edited, you’ve hired an interior designer, and a cover artist, and you have done what you can to market your book. It is do it or don’t do it. There are times when there will be problems, but they can be fixed, if you learn about them before you start the process.
Part 10 (also known as Step 10):
Decide that perhaps writing isn’t right for you, but just in case, repeat steps 1-10 only this time, sing the song in Step 1 louder. Obviously the neighbours didn’t hear you.
Reality: It’s only just beginning, and you will be on the journey for a long while. Writing is more about growing as a writer, and as a self-published author. Read the contracts, learn what works. Edit. Do it over again.

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